38th Annual CATCH Golf Classic
The 38th Annual CATCH Golf Classic will take place at Red Run Golf Club in Royal Oak. Widely recognized as the best of its kind in the region, this event is attended by executives from the area’s leading companies as well as many sports and media personalities. The Golf Classic features a scramble format with shotgun starts at 7:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Most of the sponsorships below include a fivesome (with option of a celebrity as the fifth player) refreshments on the course, player gift package, breakfast for AM golfers, buffet lunch, individual and team prize contests and food & beverage stations following the PM shotgun.
Sparky Anderson’s CATCH Charity for Children was founded in 1987 by the late Hall of Fame baseball manager to help sick, injured and disadvantaged children. Since then, it has provided $11 million in funding to help improve the quality of life for pediatric patients at Children’s Hospital of Michigan and Henry Ford Health. CATCH dollars are used for items and services that patients and their families cannot afford, hospitals do not provide and insurance does not cover. The charity “catches” children whose special needs might otherwise fall through the cracks. Whether it be a bed monitor for a child who experiences dangerous seizures during the night or assisting families with utility and rent payments while taking time off of work to help care for their sick child, CATCH funds are used when no other source of funding exists.
CATCH Golf Classic
July 21, 2025
7:30 am - 8:00 pm
Red Run Golf Club, Royal Oak
Venue: Red Run Golf Club, Royal Oak